2024-04-09 22:04:36





































首先我们要明确一点,不是公司只招聘应届生,而是针对应届生,公司会有专门的校园招聘;针对有工作经验的人,会有 社会 招聘。应届生作为刚毕业的大学生,进入公司的主要渠道就是校园招聘,一旦错过了校招,想通过社招进入公司是非常困难的,这也是为什么楠哥在回答的所有涉及到应届生求职的问题中都不断强调, 应届生千万要利用好自己的这个身份,不要错过校园招聘。 像题主描述的这个情况,楠哥认为最大的可能有两个,一是当时你错过了校招或者没有在校招中获得offer,而是你是留学回国,回国时你应该参加的校招已经结束,而下一轮校招还没开始。对于第一种情况,那真的只能怪自己,怪不得别人;如果是第二种情况,现在很多公司都意识到了这个问题,会有专门的海外招聘专场或者允许留学生以应届生身份参加下一轮校招,这样一来就不存在问题了。











应届生相比较而言更好管理 , 控制成本更低。





当时我们非常吃惊问道: 你们-🔥771771威尼斯.Cm难道没有对应的金工实习吗?难道没有对应的对企业实习吗?


这也就不难理:解应届生在一定程度上真的是啥也不会 , 把课本丢在一边,问问他们这些器件怎么操作,可能他们都在想着 课本上告诉我们怎样怎样,但真实的实际操作并不是这个样子。


相比较而言,应届生因为面临的是第1个职场、第1份工作, 所以他们比职场当中的老员工更具有激情,更具有冲力,更知道努力工作,努力干活。




职场当中只能说部分企业、部分工种对于应届生不排斥,甚至希望应届生能来, 但是一些私人企业,一些小企业或者有着国际化规划的大型战略企业是排斥应届生的。


















1、国家政策指向。 政府从大局出发,首先要保证应届生的就业,这个对于多方面都是至关重要的。




2、职业忠诚度高。 大学毕业生刚刚进入职场,可以说完全就是一张白纸,对于企业来说更利于培养,也更忠诚。


3、人力成本较低。 应届生的人力成本更低,对于企业来说,肯定更有好处。一个刚毕业的大学生,到了单位肯定工资是比较低的,而且工作又比较认真,对于企业来说,性价比肯定非常高。

4、应届生比较听话守规矩。 应届生刚刚进入单位,很多东西不知道,面对领导的教诲,往往更容易认可,对于管理者来说,比较容易管理。





首先, 招收应届毕业生是政府给各个企业的一项指标 。我不知道大家注意到没有,每个毕业生都有报到证,报到证就是相当于-🔥771771威尼斯.Cm给单位的一种介绍信。这种东西是互利的;你有了去处,说明你就了业,相应的提高了学生的就业率;而公司每招收一个毕业生都会有一些相应的补贴在里面。

其次,应届毕业生 学习能力更强 。毕竟刚毕业就参加工作,学习还没有完全脱产,对事物的理解更快;而如果你一年没有参加工作,就脱节了再学起来就难了。

再者, 应届生劳动力更廉价 。这个在国企招聘上写的特别清楚,一般实习期在半年甚至一年以上,为什么,真的是某些领域的东西上手太难了,需要很久才能胜任吗?而非应届生吃不了半年之内实习期(工资很低)干脆中途不干,久而久之单位更愿意招应届生。

最后,一点也很重要, 那就是可塑性强一点 。为何我工作了一年甚至几年的都不如一个刚毕业的应届生?第一,这个岗位不需要太有经验的人,我就需要一些从基层干起和公司一起成长的人;第二,你对职场的某些潜规则了如指掌,不太容易受领导控制,可塑性差,不如直接找个职场小白,说一就是一,将来用起来方便。

一、应届生思想单纯,从-🔥771771威尼斯.Cm到企业,如白纸一张,任人涂抹,可绘成一幅绚丽的图画,而非应届生,受过 社会 的影响,“曾经沧海难为水”,有 社会 的烙印,较难教育。


三、从 社会 上招聘过来的人,辞职率比应届生高,因为他们是辞职过来的,稍有不如意,会重蹈覆覆辙。





因为应届毕业生在大学里学习专业知识,可能 社会 实践方面少,领导起来听话,爱学习,有自己的思考的方法,在工作时间上相对自由。





应届毕业生朝气蓬勃,积极向上,刚踏入 社会 ,对 社会 、对职业都充满了希望与憧憬。虽然在经验上有欠缺,但学习能力较强,可塑性强,在困难面前敢于表现,勇于表现。虽然偶尔会有冲动,但是总体来说是一个企业向上发展必不可少的因素之一。


虽然应届毕业生都有自己的职业生涯规划,但他们很明白,短期内不可能要求过高。毕竟刚踏入 社会 ,什么都不会,要谦虚受教,多投入努力才能换来经验与回报。与之对应的,企业为毕业生投入的成本较低,如果从 社会 上引进成熟人才,一个成熟人才的价值通常相当于三到四名应急毕业生,成本太高。而应届毕业生由于没有 社会 和工作经验,起步工资较低。应届生直接通过校招渠道获得,省去了高昂的猎头费和广告费,招聘费用也较低。







应届生 社会 阅历浅,工作经验少,比较容易管理。



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Chinese Super League - Seaport 3-0 Nantong! Wu Lei creates 2 consecutive points + red and yellow cards in 40 minutes Serie A - Frosinone 0-0 Bologna, both sides exchange whitewashes, N'Doye misses strike Super League - Shenhua 4-1 three towns chopped 5 consecutive wins to lead the Super League, Xie Pengfei 1 shot 2 passes, Teixeira world wave Chinese Super League (CSL) - Qingdao West Coast 1-3 Jinmen Tigers Allan scores again after two and a half years in the CSL Ademi crosses in the goal Chinese Super League (CSL) - Guoan 1-2 Xinpengcheng, Garcia, Zhang Xunzhe nodded, He Yupeng gave away a point UEFA Cup - Leverkusen tie longest unbeaten start to a season with 2-0 West Ham United, Hoffmann crosses in for goal Champions League - Barcelona 3-2 Paris, Rafinha double, Dembele goal Chinese Super League - Wei Shihao scored his first goal since joining the team! Chengdu Rongcheng beat Zhejiang 3-0 Chinese Super League - Shandong 2-2 ten-man Henan, Cazza saves the day, Huang Zichang substitute passes, Liu Yang passes and shoots for success Chinese Super League - Henan vs Nantong Zhiyun first start: 4 foreign aid PK3 foreign aid, Achimpen, Denizi start Chinese Super League - Meizhou Hakka 0-0 Qingdao Hainiu, both teams remain in the last two positions Serie A - Napoli end 4-game winless streak with 4-2 comeback against Monza, Osmeen, Zielinski break through Chinese Super League (CSL) - Jinmen Tigers 0-0 Meizhou, Ademi made many dangers and Cheng Yuelei made many saves. UEFA Europa League - Bruges 1-0 Thessaloniki, Wittelsen helps his team to victory Match proceedings UEFA Cup - Liverpool lose 0-3 to Atalanta, Scaramacca scores twice, Pasalic scores CSL - Henan 1-1 Nantong with a win, Godinez scores first goal UEFA Champions League - Arsenal 2-2 Bayern, Kane nods in, Trossard makes save Super League - Cangzhou turn back West Coast 3-2 for 3rd straight win, Zhao Yingjie, Solomon crosses the net UEFA Europa League - Olympiacos makes it three wins in a row with 3-2 Fenerbahce, Chiginho breaks through, Jovetic builds on goal Premier League - Newcastle beat Tottenham 4-0, Issac doubles, Gordon, Scherer breaks through Chinese Super League (CSL) - New Pengcheng 1-1 Sanzhen, Liu Yue blasted a world wave, An Yongjia scored his first goal in CSL in a great draw UEFA Cup - Roma win 1-0 away to Milan, Dybala assists Mancini's winner, Giroud misses out on a great equalizer Chinese Super League - 2:0, Cangzhou Lions beat Changchun Yatai UEFA Cup - Benfica 2-1 Marseille, Rafa Silva breaks through, Di Maria seals win Chinese Super League - Chengdu turns back ten-man Yatai 2-1, Wei Shihao kills in 108th minute, Felipe's stunning reverse hook UEFA Europa League - Pilsen Victory 0-0 Fiorentina, both sides exchange draws Chinese Super League - Qingdao Hainiu 2-0 Zhejiang ushered in the first win of the season, Xu Dong broke the goal, Liang Nuoheng own goal. Premier League - Burnley 1-1 Brighton, Brownhill scores, A. Muric misses gift Bundesliga - Guerrero Muller builds Bayern 2-0 Cologne 13 points behind the top of the table Bundesliga - Mainz thrashes Hoffenheim 4-1, Onisivo breaks through, Gruda builds on goal UEFA Europa League - Aston Villa 2-1 Lille, McGinn crosses and Watkins header Bundesliga - Augsburg 2-0 United Berlin, Tietze breaks through, Michel locks up win Chinese Super League - Shenhua 1-1 Guoan, Zhang Yuning, Luiz broke the goal, He Yupeng dyed red Premier League - Wolves 2-2 Forest away from home without a win in 4 rounds, Cunha doubled, White, Danilo builds EPL - Man City 5-1 Luton, Harland nods in + makes an oops, Doku's stunning one-two Premier League - Arsenal concede 2 goals in 3 minutes to defeat Villa 0-2 at home Premier League - Palmer's big four Chelsea beat Everton by 6 goals. EPL - Crystal Palace 1-0 Liverpool, Eze's winning goal Premier League - Brentford 2-0 Sheffield United as Onyeka breaks through EPL - Man Utd draw 2-2 away to Bournemouth without a win in 4 rounds, B Faye doubles, Solanke breaks through Bundesliga - Bochum 1-1 Heidenheim, Kevin Schlotterbeck breaks through Serie A - Lazio 4-1 Salernitana, Anderson double, Bessino, Isakson break through Bundesliga - Dortmund 2-1 Monchengladbach, Sabitzer's double + penalty canceled, Adeyemi sees red La Liga - Rayo Vallecano 0-0 Getafe, Unai Lopez concedes a good chance, 10 yellow cards for both teams Bundesliga - Stuttgart welcome back-to-back wins with 3-0 win over Frankfurt, Ondaulf scores, Cero Girassi builds EPL - Fulham end 3-game winless streak with 2-0 away at West Ham United, Pereyra double, Iwobi assists Serie A - Concede 2 goals in the opening 10 minutes Milan 3-3 Sassuolo Bundesliga - Leipzig 3-0 Wolverhampton Wanderers, Opponda, Sheshko, Olmo break through, Simmons assists UEFA Champions League - Borussia Dortmund 4-2 Atletico Madrid Reach Final 4 After 11 Years La Liga - Cadiz 0-1 Barcelona, Felix scores with reverse hook Serie A - Lecce 1-0 Empoli, Sansone's strike La Liga - Mallorca 0-1 Real Madrid, Belin hits frame, Joan Armeni's world goal La Liga - Atletico Madrid turn back Girona 3-1, Griezmann doubles, Angel Correa breaks through Match La Liga - Granada 2-0 Alaves, Uzuni scores, Lucas Boye adds to his tally La Liga - Real 2-2 Almeria, Embalba scores twice, Oyarzaval breaks through Serie A - Atalanta 2-2 Verona, Scaramacca, Noslin each crosses the ball and scores a goal Bundesliga - Wiltz caps Leverkusen 5-0 Bremen to win first Bundesliga title Bundesliga - Freiburg 1-0 Darmstadt 98, Don Yasutoshi's winning goal Serie A - Bologna 0-0 Monza, handshake and a point for both teams Ligue 1 - Toulouse turn back Rennes 2-1, Moussa Diarra scores, Cristian Caceres breaks through La Liga - Sevilla 2-0 ten-man Las Palmas with goals from En Nesri and Luke Baggio La Liga - Athletic Bilbao 1-1 Villarreal, Sanchez scores first, Parejo equalizes La Liga - Betis end 4-game losing streak with 2-1 Celta, Fekir scores, Juan Miranda breaks through Champions League - 120 minutes of hard fighting! Real Madrid knock out Man City 4-3 on penalties, 8-7 on aggregate UEFA Champions League - Quarter-finals, Barcelona defeated Paris 1-4 and suffered a reversal of the exit. La Liga - Valencia 1-0 Osasuna, Andres Almeida scores only goal of the game Ligue 1 - Nantes 1-0 Le Havre, Bamba's winning goal Serie A - Juve 0-0 Torino, Vlahovic hits post, Lazaro creates danger Serie A - Inter 2-2 Cagliari 14 points to lead the league 26 rounds undefeated Ligue 1 - Lyon 4-3 Brest, Tolisso, Lacazette break through, Niles shoots from point-blank range Serie A - Napoli 2-2 Frosinone, Politano blasts world wave Serie A - Fiorentina 1-1 Genoa, Gudmundsson breaks the deadlock with penalty, Icone's header equalizes Ligue 1 - Clermont 1-1 Montpellier, Cham breaks through, Koulibaly equalizes Ligue 1 - Strasbourg turn back Reims 3-1 as Sahi, Abakaar Sylla break through Ligue 1 - Metz turns back Lens 2-1 as Mikatadze breaks through for a brace u23 Asian Cup - National Football Team 0-2 South Korea, suffered 2 consecutive losses, declared out of the game 1 round early Super League - Zhejiang 3-2 reversal of the ten-man Jinmen Tigers to stop 3 consecutive losses Huang Jiahui straight red into a turnaround Ousu double hit u23 Asian Cup - Uzbekistan U23 2-0 Malaysia U23, Jarnolidinov scores, Khokhimov adds to his tally u23 Asian Cup - Indonesia U23 1-0 Australia U23, Tegu scores only goal of the match u23 AFC Asian Cup - Qatar U23 2-1 Jordan U23, Mohamed Al Manai, Abdullah Yazidi goal Super League - Shenhua away 2-0 Nantong Malelai, Teixeira builds a goal u23 Asian Cup - Vietnam U23 3-1 Kuwait U23, Bui Vai Ho scores twice, Nguyen Van Son breaks the goal Bundesliga - RB Leipzig make it 3 wins in a row with 2-1 Heidenheim, Sheshko breaks the deadlock, Oponda kills off the winner Super League - Guiao 4-1 ten-man West Coast! First win in the last 4 rounds to move up to 5th place Chinese Super League (CSL) - San Zhen 0-0 Yatai Tan Long's goal blown, Enrique's center frame, Yatai 1 shot, 0 shots on target u23 Asian Cup - Japan 2-0 UAE National Olympics, hand in hand with South Korea out of the line, Kimura Seiji header breaks the goal Chinese Super League - Fernando's 3 goals and Li Yuanyi's goal Shandong Taishan 4-1 Cangzhou Lions Chinese Super League - Henan 1-0 Hainiu ushers in first win, Achimpen scores first goal u23 AFC Asian Cup - Iraq U23 4-2 Tajikistan U23, Ali Jassim 1 shot, 2 passes, Karel Saad breaks through Bundesliga - Wolfsburg 1-0 Bochum, Winder helps his team win Bundesliga - Freiburg 1-1 Mainz, Gregoritsch opens the scoring, Burkart equalizes u23 AFC Asian Cup - Saudi Arabia thrashes Thailand 5-0 to advance with two straight wins Bundesliga - Eintracht Frankfurt turn back Augsburg 3-1 as Schaibi, Ekitiuk, Marmouche break through Chinese Super League - Chengdu Rongcheng 3-1 Shenzhen Xinpengcheng for 5th consecutive win, Felipe's hat-trick Bundesliga - Dortmund 1-1 Yakuza, Phil Kruger breaks through, Stanišić draws in stoppage time La Liga - Rayo Vallecano turns back Osasuna 2-1, Parazón, Chavarría score goals Bundesliga - Darmstadt 98 2-0 Cologne, Clare breaks through, Vilhelmsson seals win Bundesliga - Hoffenheim 4-3 Borussia Mönchengladbach, Stahl, Kabak break through Premier League - Brentford beat Luton 5-1, Visser scores twice, Mbewumo has two assists Premier League - Crystal Palace 5-2 West Ham Macta double, Oliseh scores u23 AFC Asian Cup - Vietnam U23 2-0 Malaysia U23, Qu Van Kham scores, Vu Huong Minh Kha locks up win La Liga - Real Betis 2-1 Valencia, Ayose Perez double, assist from Isco La Liga - Sevilla 2-1 Mallorca, En Nesri scores, Isaac Romero breaks through Premier League - Burnley thump Sheffield United 4-1 as Gudmundsson, Foster break through Bundesliga - Union Berlin 1-5 Bayern, Muller scores twice, Kane breaks through La Liga - Alaves 2-0 Atletico Madrid, Benavides breaks through, Rioja cuts through the air Premier League - Aston Villa turn back Bournemouth 3-1, Bailly breaks through, Diaby builds on goal FA Cup - Man Utd's three-goal lead halted in penalty shootout to beat Coventry Bundesliga - Werder Bremen 2-1 Stuttgart, Ondorf breaks through, Dukesch scores twice Premier League - Everton 2-0 Nottingham Forest, Gay builds, McNeil seals win Premier League - Arsenal go top for now with 2-0 Wolves, Trossard breaks through, Özeko builds on goal Serie A - Torino 0-0 Frosinone, both sides exchange whitewashes La Liga - Girona 4-1 Cadiz, Dovbic breaks through, Erick Garcia scores La Liga - Bilbao 1-1 Granada 3 rounds without a win, Iñaki's own goal, Gruzetta's goal Premier League - Liverpool 3-1 Fulham, Arnold breaks through, Hrafenbech builds on his goal La Liga - Celta beat Las Palmas 4-1, Aspas scores twice, Duvekas substitutes 1 pass, 1 shot FA Cup - Man City 1-0 Chelsea, Bernardo Silva kills it off Serie A - Inter 2-1 Milan locked up the title 5 rounds ahead of schedule, crowned the 20th title in the team history. Serie A - Lecce thrashes Sassuolo 3-0, Piccoli breaks through, Dogu builds on goal La Liga - Real Madrid triple Barcelona's 3-2 comeback, Vinicius scores, Bellingham kills La Liga - Villarreal turn back Almeria 2-1, Thurrott strikes, Ahomac breaks through Ligue 1 - Rennes beat Nantes 3-0, Bourriau nods in, Gouyry builds on goal La Liga - Getafe 1-1 Real Sociedad, Barrenechea breaks the deadlock, Latassa equalizes with header Serie A - Fiorentina end 5-game winless streak with 2-0 win over Salernitana, Kwame, Icone score goals Ligue 1 - Montpellier 2-1 Reims, Moussa Tamari, Sanyan score goals Ligue 1 - Monaco 2-0 Brest, Golovin scores with cross, Zakaria breaks through Serie A - Verona 1-0 Udinese, Coppola helps his team win Ligue 1 - Nice thrashes Lorient 3-0 as Ghassan, Boga break through Serie A - Atalanta 2-1 Monza, CDK breaks through, Maldini Jr. scores to save the day Ligue 1 - Paris 4-1 Lyon 25 rounds of undefeated Gonzalo double Paris 11 points with 5 games left in the lead Ligue 1 - Lille wins 3rd straight at Strasbourg 1-0, Jonathan Davey scores winner Serie A - Napoli 0-1 Empoli away, Cheri's winning goal, Cambiaggi's pocket shot hits post Serie A - Lazio welcomes back-to-back wins with 1-0 away win at Genoa, Alberto pushes for winner Premier League - Havertz double Arsenal 5-0 Chelsea first 3 points lead u23 AFC Asian Cup - Uzbekistan U23 beat Kuwait U23 5-0, Khormatov scores from point-blank range, Norchayev breaks away Saudi Arabia United - Riyadh Victory turns back ten-man Feyha 3-1, Mane misses penalty and then scores twice + a dragon goal Serie A - Juve chase 2 goals in a row after two giveaways, 2-2 Cagliari, DV9 breaks through + goal is blown u23 AFC Asian Cup - Indonesia U23 beat Jordan U23 4-1, Marcelino Ferdinand scores twice, Tegu builds up his tally Saudi Arabia United - Jeddah United 3-2 Hassam, Amri breaks through, Paul Ricardo, Damen own goal u23 Asian Cup - South Korea U23 1-0 Japan U23 for 3rd straight win, Kim Min-woo scored the winning goal and Sato Kei-yoon hit the post. Ligue 1 - Marseille 2-2 Nice, Morphy scores first, Barr equalizes Ligue 1 - Lens 1-0 Clermont, Sotoka scores from the penalty spot Ligue 1 - Toulouse 2-2 Marseille, Jean Onana scores first, Faris Moumbana equalizes Serie A - Roma 1-3 Bologna, Azzurri's brilliant barb + assist, Zylkowski's goal u23 AFC Asian Cup - Olympic 2-1 UAE win after 6 years, final 1 win, 2 losses, 3rd without qualification Coppa Italia - Atalanta advance to Coppa Italia final with 4-2 Fiorentina on aggregate, Scamacca's stunning side hook Ligue 1 - Monaco 1-0 Lille for 4th straight Ligue 1 win, Youssouf Fofana makes it a one-two punch Ligue 1 - Metz 1-0 Le Havre, Mikatadze helps his team win EPL - Foden double de Bruyne breaks through Man City 4-0 Brighton Champion of Champions: Trump reaches final, battles Robertson for king of kings EPL - Crystal Palace 2-0 Newcastle United for 3rd straight EPL win, Mikel Mateta bags 2 goals Coppa Italia - Milik scores Juve 1-2 Lazio to reach final 3-2 on aggregate u23 AFC Asian Cup - Iraq U23 2-1 Saudi Arabia U23, Mustafa Saadoun, Ali Jassim scores from point blank range Premier League - Everton 2-0 Liverpool, Branthwaite breaks through, Llewyn adds to tally u23 AFC Asian Cup - Uzbekistan U23 thrashes Vietnam U23 3-0, Odilov scores twice, Gyanov builds on his goal U23 Asian Cup - 12 rounds of fierce fighting! Ten-man Korean National Olympic team loses to Indonesia on penalties and misses out on Olympics Premier League - B-Faye double, Maguire breaks through, Man Utd turn back Sheffield Utd 4-2 u23 Asian Cup - Bitter battle in overtime 2-4, the hosts out of the game, less than 1 person to carry 60 minutes, difficult to stop the Asian No. 1 into the final 4 Saudi Arabia United - Dammam Collaboration 0-0 Makkah Unity, Jack Hendry misses a good chance u23 AFC Asian Cup - Kuwait U23 2-1 Malaysia U23, Talal Qaisi breaks through, Salman Awadhi nods home Chinese Super League - Qingdao Hainiu 3-1 Shenzhen Xinpengcheng, Liu Junshuai, Boakye break through, Kang Gua shoots from point blank range EPL - Chelsea 0-1 Wolves suffered four rounds without a win, Nunes breaks through for first goal, Fofana retires injured u23 AFC Asian Cup - Qatar U23 0-0 Australia U23, Autumn Tie Super League - West Coast defense gives away two goals, 0-2 Nantong suffers fourth straight loss, Godinez scores twice u23 AFC Asian Cup - Tajikistan U23 1-0 Thailand U23, Safarov strikes winner Ligue 1 - Lorient 1-4 Paris, Mbappe scores twice + assists Premier League - Wolves 0-1 Bournemouth suffer 6 rounds without a win in the league, Semenyo breaks through, Colquzi sees red Chinese Super League (CSL) - San Zhen 2-1 Jinmen Tigers, Enrique scores first, Deng Hanwen breaks through + centerpiece AFC Champions League - Uekichu Asahi's double goal helps 10-man Yokohama Mariners reach AFC Champions League final u23 Asian Cup - Round of 8 matchups: Japan vs Qatar, South Korea vs Indonesia, Vietnam vs Iraq AFC Champions League - Crescent Moon 2-1 Al Ain stop 4-5 on aggregate, Saudi Arabia United out of last 4 Saudi Arabia United - Riyadh Sports 2-1 Jeddah National, Keshi breaks through, Harakin scores winner Serie A - Roma turn back Udinese 2-1 as Cristante scores, Lukaku breaks through How did Leeds United get relegated and why? How Leeds United were relegated The "Provincial Cup" will be re-organized at the end of January next year, which is a long time after a lapse of five years. South Korea's come-from-behind win over Australia: Son's extra-time strike adds to Asian Cup glory Kubo Kenyoung: His popularity and strength have risen dramatically in the year since the World Cup, and this is a good trend Riyadh Victory 3-1 Dammam Collaboration , Crowe with a pass and a goal Riyadh Crescent's 3-1 comeback against Sepahan sees another twist on the road to promotion Lionel Messi named TIME magazine's 2023 Athlete of the Year following his success in the MLS in the U.S. Tottenham Hotspur have announced that the team's on-loan midfielder Tianganga has returned to the team. FA CUP REPORT: Bristol City 1-0 ten-man West Ham United Leverkusen beat ten-man Wolfsburg 2-0 to lead the table Trapp: Neuer takes goalkeeping to new heights, shows you what else goalkeepers can do Barcelona's Copa del Rey comeback victory: 3-1 elimination of Unionistas de Salamanca to reach the last eight Bayern Munich, Inter Milan, Real Madrid, Real Sociedad advance to Round of 16 Barcelona beat Osasuna 2-0 in Spanish Super Cup to reach final to meet Real Madrid Which team has the most all-time top scorers in the Premier League? Who are the top 10 all-time top scorers in the Premier League and who has scored the most goals Fans celebrate Karim Benzema's birthday! Happy birthday, Gianluca. Arsenal boss Arteta identifies Bundesliga combinations in search of central defenders Paris Saint-Germain face Lille after Champions League climax How is Neymar doing at Paris Saint-Germain? In the big win over Waasland Barcelona striker Torres defends Xavi: Many outsiders tried to destroy us Bournemouth 2-0 Burnley, Junior Kluivert and Semenyo build on their goals Qatar turn back Palestine 2-1 as defending champions advance to Asian Cup quarterfinals Luton vs Tottenham Hotspur score prediction, Luton vs Tottenham Hotspur score prediction Redknapp: Luton will need a miracle to hold out Messi comeback! Argentina national team may welcome back superstar Why Messi quit the Argentina national team Nash: Te Lion missed two games with a back injury, I'm not going to call up Neuer this time around 16 conclusions from Manchester City's 1-1 Liverpool win: Alexander-Arnold, Doku, Alisson, Nunez, Silva Barcelona draws 0-0 with Athletic Bilbao as two midfielders leave with injuries What is the source of data for the Premier League Championship History table? All-time Premier League Champions Everton, Nottingham Forest expected to be charged with financial irregularities today, could be docked points, Mail says Ligue 1: Marseille held to 1-1 draw at home to Strasbourg Bundesliga fireworks as Bayern seeks title bid, Hoffenheim strives for Europa League qualification Gomez: Liverpool players feel more energized this season Premier League - Arsenal doubles Tottenham Hotspur 2-0 for 8-point lead Spanish Super Cup sees Madrid derby as Real Madrid vs Atletico Madrid How do you rate Chelsea's manager and tactical style? What are the tactical similarities and differences between Mourinho's two Chelsea periods Champions League result won't affect Mbappe's decision in Real Madrid rumors Bild-Zeitung: Eintracht Frankfurt interested in signing Schubomoting in the winter window, but can't afford his €10m annual salary AC Milan vs Borussia Dortmund HKSAR Chief Executive Li Ka-chiu deeply disappointed by Messi's absence, asks organizers to do a good job of explaining the situation Real Madrid's ideal lineup prediction for next season? Real Madrid Players List CSL Alert: Russian coach Slutsky to coach Shanghai Shenhua How Real Madrid will play against Union Berlin Manchester City 0-1 Villa, a dark moment in a four-game winless streak! Kuntz: Disappointed that I wasn't considered for Germany's managerial job, Nash is a good replacement for Furyk World Cup - Crowe creates a penalty and hits it himself, Crowe breaks through to make history! FIFA Player of the Year, which player is the winner in your mind Bayern Munich boss Tuchel keeps his mouth shut on Dier deal Arteta Arsenal transfer plans dealt FFP blow LU media: national football war South Korea backfield personnel stretched, Zhang Linpeng should be the first choice of the right back Champions League performance insight: Griezmann leads Atletico in excellent pressing display against Celtic The Asian Cup final is imminent, the AFC wrote to the CFA, invited Jia Xiuquan coach to attend the Real Madrid defender Fran Garcia: Very happy with the victory over Alaves! Chengdu Rongcheng wins CSL debut as Andrigo scores with long-range shot Serie A Prediction: Can Fiorentina hold on to beat Torino at home? Lazio president Lotito: Roma will go nowhere without growth decree Legend returns Iniesta shows his love for soccer again as legend Iniesta crosses the border Atletico boss Simeone delighted after win over Sevilla Brighton boss De Zerbi reveals bad news about Fathi's injury DFB vice-president slams Barcelona midfielder Gündogan: He's not trying! Real Madrid Barcelona join forces for $15 billion, European super rebirth on the horizon: Juve Inter Milan may join forces again Iran beat the UAE 2-1 in the final round of Group C of the Asian Cup. Bayern announce the return of veteran Boateng Signing nearing completion? What is the veteran's current ability Marseille's big win! Ligue 1 match report: Marseille beat Lyon 3:0 Atalanta's road to promotion goes one step further with 2-1 home win over Sporting Lisbon Morning Buzz: Bellingham wins 2023 Golden Boy Award; Man City & Chelsea may risk penalty points/relegation Italy and Juventus legend Chiellini retires at age 39 King's Cup quarterfinal draw to take place tonight at 8 p.m. as the top 8 teams await the unveiling of their opponents Official: China's national Olympic team will play Tajikistan's national Olympic team on the 19th and 22nd of this month. What level is Paris in the Premier League and why is Paris great in the league United Berlin won 2-0 in Cologne! What are some of the well known sponsors advertised by Real Madrid, and who are the sponsors of Real Madrid? Portugal Premier League predictions: Porto vs Chavesh Brighton boss De Zerbi: Great players Gilmour and Van Hecke are How Manchester City recruits international stars? How Aguero became a unique and legendary player in the Manchester City team Juventus 1-1 Empoli, five consecutive league wins come to an end Junya Ito scores winner as Reims narrowly beat Metz 2-1 Ghana boss Hughton explains Arsenal midfielder Partey's omission from Africa Cup of Nations Where to watch Arsenal Barcelona friendly, Champions League knockout first leg clash Reporter: Shui Qingxia is still the head coach of the women's soccer team, members of the local coaching staff to lead the team to the United States training Wolves and Eintracht Frankfurt continue talks over Karajdzic Hugo Larsson: Frankfurt's rising star in the sights of Europe's giants Finland vs Kazakhstan Score Results, Finland vs Kazakhstan Score Bellingham: Thanks to those who voted for me and supported me along the way, hopefully more awards in the future Can Urawa Red Diamonds break out of their slump in tonight's Club World Cup third-place match? Bayern Munich beat Galatasaray 2-1, Kane double to reach knockout stage? Bayern v Galatasaray score 2023 FIFA Team of the Year: Hameem leads the way De Bruyne was highly praised by teammate Grealish. The Premier League title race is back in doubt! Can Arsenal withstand the pressure and continue to lead the table? What are the traditionally strongest teams in the Premier League? Which teams are the strongest in the Premier League Red and Blue Irony! Fighting for his life and grabbing the ground with his head, Garvey gave it all for Barcelona ...... Galatasaray make Turkish soccer history with away win against Man U. Anyone follow Galatasaray? What are their records? What are the rules for penalty zones and touchlines in soccer? How are the penalty zones in soccer divided Martinelli: Facing one of the best of all time like Messi is a dream come true, will fight hard to win Liverpool cut short Owen Baker's loan spell at Dundee Napoli striker Osmeen is facing a prosecutor's investigation for financial fraud, and Napoli is interested in bringing in Osmeen What's the secret behind this? Sprint 50 Goals 2023 Top Scorers: Harland Kane 48, Crowe 46 Mbappe 43 Bournemouth striker Moore targeted by Sunderland Ince's prediction: Inter Milan to win Serie A this season, Champions League win a new target Riyadh fought with ten men and drew 0-0 to lock up top spot! Crowe's injury and Ojami's red added to the suspense! La Liga Preview: Athletic Bilbao vs Real Sociedad Gomez's ban penalty may be overturned as 35-year-old midfielder looks to return to action in new guise Arse: Ter Stegen to play for Rayo Vallecano if nothing happens, De Jong also expected to return then Serie A pre-match analysis: Juventus vs Sassuolo Real Madrid top 10 stars ranking? List of Top 10 Real Madrid Superstars Barcelona boss wants to re-sign Messi back to Barcelona? Messi makes big career decision English Premier League (EPL): Manchester United 2-2 Tottenham Hotspur, only 1 win in the last 6 rounds. Ole newspaper: Argentina could be tested by high temperatures away from Brazil, recent record 58 degrees in Rio AFC Champions League battle revealed: Riyadh Crescent advances against the odds 2-1, Jeddah United eases through with 5 wins in 6 matches Real Madrid to extend Asensio's contract soon? Asensio will be Real Madrid's big surprise of the season, so don't be surprised. Monza defies AC Milan in 4-2 Serie A thriller Liverpool wing-back Conor Bradley targets more action Turkish media exposure: Saudi Arabia contributes 3.337 million euros to the Turkish Super Cup, the winner can get up to 2.008 million euros in prize money Who is stronger between Bayern Munich and Manchester United, who is stronger between Manchester United and Bayern Munich After the 0-1 defeat against Werder Bremen, Tuchel believes it's all the players' fault. Asian Cup Rivalry: Syria Challenges Strong Rival Australia, Defensive Counterattacks May Be Key Italy vs. North Macedonia starting XI: Chiesa, Barella start Bonaventura in action UEFA and FIFA are in breach of EU law, rules EU Court of Justice! UEFA doesn't need their approval Home Betis boss Pellegrini: Saudi Pro League offer is tempting Real Madrid abandons signing back Ramos, turns to young defense buildup as Real Madrid captain Ramos leaves team Rennes beat Marseille 2-0 at home with goals from Terrier and Brijos Carlo Ancelotti's Real Madrid team is now unbeaten in 20 games in all competitions The era has come to an end! The "Hall of Fame Five" have all passed away, and the soccer world is bidding farewell to a number of superstars. Manchester United make contact over Nice star and potential Casemiro replacement Paris Saint-Germain reportedly secures Sao Paulo defender, beats Arsenal and Liverpool Howe admits Liverpool are too strong for Newcastle
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